Healthy Weight Checklist: What food prevents obesity?
2022-10-28 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Obesity
Most of us are always looking for ways to burn fat and consciously trying to limit takeout and snacks to reduce fat. It's also helpful to know which foods you should eat more of and which foods actively burn fat and calories.
Fiber is the emperor when it comes to weight loss. It slows down digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer. This is very important when cutting calories, a common approach to weight loss.
Chia Seeds:
Consuming one serving of chia seeds, about two tablespoons, provides a whopping 40% of your daily fiber needs. It can also be easily incorporated into meals, especially breakfasts and snacks, along with foods such as puddings, berry jams, and energy balls.
We recommend eating two servings of seafood every week. Fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids that not only support heart and brain health but also help reduce body fat. Seafood is rich in protein, which satisfies hunger and keeps you feeling full for hours.
Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and dark leafy greens such as kale and arugula. Their health benefits are enormous, with a growing body of research showing that regular consumption of these vegetables lowers the risk of cancer and reduces inflammation. These veggies are starch-free & contribute to any weight loss plan. These veggies are easy to plan throughout the week. Use as a hearty base for meal-prepped salads, as a low-carb substitute for grains, or mixed into smoothies.
Grains & Quinoa:
In addition to vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, whole grains such as whole-grain pasta, brown rice, and quinoa have fiber that fills us up. Also, our bodies and brains prefer energy from carbohydrates, so eating these foods along with protein and healthy fats can help reduce cravings for refined carbs and sugar.
Like vegetables, fruits can be a smart addition to a healthy weight loss plan. Apples are especially good for a week's meal because they're cheap, can be kept in the refrigerator for weeks, and are a convenient snack to take with you. You can also get creative and incorporate it into your diet.
Apples are delicious on salads and smoothies. Because of their high water and fiber content (be sure to eat the skin), apples are low in calories and low in filling.
All nuts can be included in a healthy diet for weight loss. Thanks to the fiber, and protein content, you feel full and full. A serving of nuts (about one-fourth cup) ranges from 160 to 200 calories, so portion control is key. Pistachios have 160 calories per serving, making them one of the lowest-calorie nuts. Pistachios are not only delicious, but they also have many health benefits. Studies show that these clean green nuts may help prevent type 2 diabetes, promote a healthy gut, and improve cholesterol levels.
Also, eating more than twice a week can reduce the risk of weight gain in the future. It is a good idea to buy pistachios in the shell - peeling them during snacking is a mindful way to eat.
Eggs are the perfect protein, especially when it comes to weight loss. Eating eggs for breakfast has been shown to promote weight loss as part of a calorie-restricted diet. Also, eating enough high-protein foods, such as eggs, for breakfast can help curb night time snack cravings. You can top it in a power bowl.
Avocado seems to be a good addition to almost any diet plan. cause? They provide the dual benefits of healthy fat and fiber and a buttery texture that adds richness to meals and snacks.
Dark Chocolate:
A healthy diet for weight loss may be more effective if sustainable over the long term. A deficiency of any food or food group can lead to severe cravings, and long-term avoidance of that food can lead to binge eating. , to help you stay on track with your weight loss plan. Adding an ounce of dark chocolate may be the indulgence you need to stay on track. You can also reap the benefits of heart health and mood-boosting.
People who are overweight or obese are at greater risk of many serious diseases and conditions than people of healthy weight. It includes type 2 diabetes, chronic heart disease, gallstones, etc.
It is necessary to add the above-mentioned foods to your diet for a healthy & happy life. If you need more guidance visit your nearest beach of RG Hospital to get in touch with our dietitians & start your weight loss journey.
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