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RG Marathon Championship 2022

Vaginal Prolapse & Treated

Vaginal Prolapse & Treated


Vaginal prolapse is a medical condition, occurs when the vagina shifts or slips out of the position. This is generally seen in women with multiple vaginal childbirth deliveries. Menopause, poor lifestyle, obesity, smoking, and tobacco consumption could also be the reason for the same. The chance of having prolapse vagina increase with age, generally seen in older women.

What is vaginal prolapse?

Dropping of the vagina from its actual or normal position in the body is known as vaginal prolapse. In layman language, the vagina is the tunnel that connects the uterus to the outside body. It is also referred to as the childbirth canal. It is one of the most important organs of the pelvic area.

The vagina is held in the pelvic area with the support of muscles and tissues. It sags, drops, or prolapses due to the inability of these to hold & structure it. It is due to the weakening of these muscles & tissues. 

A vaginal prolapse could be small, incomplete, or large. In extreme cases, prolapse may result in sticking out of the organ from the body. This is a severe condition & can turn things worst.

Symptoms of vaginal prolapse:

  • Lower back pain

  • Feverish

  • Pain & heaviness around the pelvic region

  • Infection in bladder

  • Urine leakage

  • Difficulty & pain while bowel movement 

  • Swelling in and around the vagina 

  • Difficulty in sexual intercourse 

Causes of vaginal prolapse:

  • Pregnancy

  • Difficulty in delivery

  • Chronic constipation

  • Obesity

  • Lower estrogen level while manopause

  • Weight lifting

Risk factors of vaginal prolapse:

  • Obesity

  • Family history

  • Previous pelvic surgeries or medical conditions

  • Giving birth to an overweight baby

Types of vaginal prolapse:

Vaginal vault prolapse: Condition where the topmost part of the vagina slips into the vaginal canal. Generally, seen in women who had uterus removal surgery.

Uterine Prolapse: A condition when muscles of the pelvic region lose their strength as a result uterus falls or drops into the vagina.

Cystocele: An extreme medical condition where the female bladder falls into the vagina.

Urethricele: It is an unfavorable medical condition wherein the urethra, tube carrying urine from bladder drops in the vagina.

Enterocoele: It is also known as small bowel prolapse, occurs when a part of the small intestine falls into the pelvic region and pushes the top part of the vagina.

Lifestyle and home remedies:

  • Practice Kegel exercises to increase the strength of pelvic muscles 

  • Avoid constipation 

  • Drink plenty of water 

  • Have a high-fiber diet

  • Avoid heavy lifting

  • Try to control coughing

  • Manage weight 

  • Quit smoking

If you are facing any such problem visit your nearest RG Hospital and get expert care from our team of doctors.

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