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International Patient Enquiry
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RG Marathon Championship 2022


08 Feb 2022


Today, women go through many health issues and in-body changes, which function due to rigorous lousy eating habits, lifestyle, and improper health care. Cases today are majorly reported in uterus fibroids.  

02 Feb 2022

What is the procedure for female sterilization?

If you are tired of taking birth control and want to understand more permanent solutions, go through the article to know more about female sterilization procedures and which is the best place to avail them.

20 Jan 2022

What is Interstitial Cystitis of the Bladder?

If you wonder what interstitial cystitis means, here is the answer: Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic bladder illness characterized by pelvic pain, bladder pain or pressure, and frequent or urgent urination. The intensity of the discomfort might range from minor to severe based on your condition and diagnosis. 

10 Jan 2022

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

During a normal pregnancy the fertilized egg implants and grows in the uterus, ultimately giving you the most joyous day in your life when your baby is born. However, in an ectopic pregnancy the egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes giving rise to an uncommon condition. Ectopic pregnancies are also known as tubal pregnancies since fallopian tubes are involved. In addition to the ovary, the egg might implant in the abdomen or the cervix.

27 Dec 2021


Kidney Stones can be challenging, and if the condition turns severe, an operation to remove the stone is inevitable.